Jan 9, 2014
Main Quest - Red Devil
Scroll of Mirror
Reward: Item (Spellbook of Mirror)
Use: Completely duplicate an item and all its prefixes.
(34% chance)
(Failed items are broken and can be repaired)
Requires: -100 vice & virtue rate
Condition: +100 vice & virtue rate
500.000.000 gold
Blue Scroll of Magical Power Increment
Reward: Item (Spellbook of Magic Amplification)
Use: Upgrade a normal item prefix to the next level.
(For example: Brutal (100% damage) becomes Ravaging (121% damage)
300.000.000 gold
Blue Recomposition of Magical Scroll
Reward: Item (Spellbook of Reconstruction Blue)
Use: Randomly reroll a normal item prefix
(For example: 1/3 >= 1/2)
(50% chance to stay at 1/3)
(50% chance to reroll to 1/2)
100.000.000 gold
Golden Scroll of Magical Power Increment
Reward: Item (Spellbook of Magic Amplification Gold)
Use: Upgrade a unique item prefix to the next level.
(For example: Brutal (100% damage) becomes Ravaging (121% damage)
500.000.000 gold
Golden Recomposition of Magical Scroll
Reward: Item (Spellbook of Reconstruction gold)
Use: Randomly reroll a unique item prefix
(For example: 1/3 >= 1/2)
(50% chance to stay at 1/3)
(50% chance to reroll to 1/2)
500.000.000 gold
Bottomless Red Box
Reward: Item (Box without Bottom)
Use: Mix 2 items of the same type
Requires: -100 vice & virtue rate
Condition: +100 vice & virtue rate gold
How Box Without Bottom works:
(Example using 1/3 belt + Anti Charger)
25% chance to get 1/3 Anti Charger
50% chance to destroy both items
25% chance to get 1 of the items back
Bloody Charm
Reward: Item (Charm of Blood)
Use: Passively grants you 5+ health points
Spiritual Charm
Reward: Item (Charm of Spirit)
Use: Passively grants you +5 charge points
Forerunner's Charm
Reward: Item (Charm of Pioneer)
Use: Passively grants you -1 level requirement
Golden Authority
Reward: 1 - 100.000.000 gold
Borderline Between the Good and the Evil
Reward: Item (Boundary of Good and Evil)
Use: +16 or -16 vice & virtue rate
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