Fire a chakram of darkness towards the target, dealing 53~55 darkness damage.

Fire a bouncing chakram of darkness towards the target, dealing 69~71 darkness damage and bounces to nearby targets 10 times.
- Bouncing range: 200(2m)
- Maximum 12 bounces

Summon a demon soldier from the underworld to slash at the target locaion, dealing 79~82 darkness damage to all targets.
- Range: 400(4m)

Summon a demon knight from the underworld to strike at the target location, dealing 122~125 darkness damage over 4 attacks.
- Range: 400(4m)

Summon 3 demon commanders to strike at the target location, dealing 142~148 darkness damage each.
- Range: 600(6m)

Summon 3 waves of black fire to strike targets in a cone, dealing 143~148 darkness damage to all targets.
- Radius: 350(3.5m)
- Range: 500(5m)

Summon a smoke cloud at the target location, dealing 223~230 darkness damage to all targets within the cloud every second for 20 seconds.
- Radius: 200(2m)
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Range: 400(4m)

Throw a volcanic bomb at the target location, dealing 276~284 darkness damage to all targets hit.
- Radius: 200(2m)
- Range: 400(4m)
- Max 12 targets

Summon a dark lightning storm at the target location, dealing 302~312 darkness damage over 3 attacks to all targets hit.
- Radius: 300(3m)
- Range: 450(4.5m)
- Cooldown: 5 seconds

Summon 3 dark stars at the target location that deals 345~356 darkness damage to all targets after 1 second.

Curse the target location with a field of dark energy, debuffing all targets within range with -30% darkness resistance for 5 seconds. The field lasts for 20 seconds.
- Radius: 190(1.9m)
- Range: 400(4m)
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Max -50% darkness resistance

Curse the target location with a field of dark energy, debuffing all targets within range with -50% movement speed for 5 seconds. The field lasts for 20 seconds.
- Radius: 190(1.9m)
- Range: 400(4m)
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Max -70% movement speed

Curse the target location with a field of dark energy, debuffing all targets within range to have 18% increased chance to get magic critically hit. The field lasts for 20 seconds.
- Radius: 190(1.9m)
- Range: 400(4m)
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Max 30% magic critical chance

Summon a tornado at the target location, dealing 180~186 darkness damage and has a 35% chance to pull all targets in to the center of the tornado.
- Radius: 400(4m)
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Range: 400(4m)

Send a disc of darkness in a straight line, dealing 212~219 darkness damage to all targets hit and decreases attack speed by 17.5% for 10 seconds.
- Width: 80(0.8m)
- Range: 600(6m)

Activation skill, increase CP consumption by 50% and increase magical damage dealt by 50%.
- Max 50% increased CP consumption
- Max 50% increased magical damage dealt

Activation skill, consume an additional 93 CP to add an additional strike of 76 darkness damage with your magic spells.
- Max 350 additonal CP consumption

Activation skill, consume an additional 140 CP to add 2 additional strike dealing 70% damage of initial magic spell.
- Max 100% of initial magic spell
- Max 400 additonal CP consumption

Activation skill, consume an additional 166 CP to to add a mark of stigma to the target. Targets with 3 stigmas explode and deal 45% of damage recieved from those 3 attacks.
- Stigma mark lasts for 30 seconds
- Max 500 additonal CP consumption

Activation skill, have a 20% chance to become immune to all damage for 1 second upon getting hit.

Passively increase charisma by 135.

Buff skill, add an additional strike of 104 darkness damage to your spells for 360 seconds.
- Can only be used on yourself

Buff skill, increase the targets movement speed by 95% and attack speed by 35% for 330 seconds.

Buff skill, increase the targets magic critical chance by 18% for 330 seconds.

Communicate with the underworld, recharging 60 CP over 0.94 seconds.
All images are from Red Stone Hunter.
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