Artwork made by fang xinyu
Game and skill icons made by L&K Logic Korea
For further questions, post a comment and I will answer.
Guide based on Knowledge Warrior.
The WarriorMight seem like a melee damage dealer, but in Red Stone, they are not. In Red Stone, they are strong magicians that summons dragons to lay waste to everything around them, at a very high cost. Very hard class to build, very easy to play, I recommend only making a warrior if you are an experienced player and are looking for a challenge.
Single Target Damage: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Area of Effect Damage: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Defense: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Movement: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Specialty: Killing enemies in an area around themselves
• Overwhelming amounts of centered area damage• Easy to play
• Great utility skills
• Great awakening power spike at level 300
• Required to use Dragon Hearts to level up• Extremely gear dependant
• No versatility
Requirements should be acquired regardless of build1» Dragon Warrior
Knowledge - 2 each level
Health - 1 each level
Luck - 1 each level
2» Berserker
Power - 2 each level
Alacrity - 1 each level
Luck - 1 each level
All skills are based on skill level 50Scaling is based on 10 skill levels

You have 20% chance to completely ignore enemies armor when dealing physical damage.

You create an illusion to swing its sword at your target 10 times in quick succession, dealing 115%(+25%) physical damage with each swing.
- Severely reduced attack speed.
- Uses 270(+40) CP.
- Gains 185(+25) CP.

Leap to the target, dealing 117%(+20%) physical damage 6(+1) times.
- You gain 100% defense and 25% avoidance for 6 seconds after use.
- 150 minimum range.
- 1000 range.
- uses 200(+30) CP.
- Gains 25(+5) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 125%(+25%) physical damage, 125%(+25%) physical damage and 125%(+25%) physical damage with 20%(+4%) increased attack speed and 7.5%(+1.5%) increased accuracy.
- Applies bleed for 50% of damage done every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.
- Applies electrified for 6 seconds.
- Uses 60 CP.
- Gains 90(+18) CP.

When you kill cold, stunned or bleeding enemies you gain 50 CP.

Summon a raging water dragon that spins in a circle around you, dealing 434-490 water damage 5 times over 6 seconds.
- Reduces targets water resistance by -25% and movement speed by -50%.
- 450(+50) radius.
- Uses 450(+70) CP.
- Gains 0 CP.

Soak your sword in blood and throw it at the target, dealing 125%(+25%) physical damage and darkness damage equal to 100%(+10%) of your weapons offensive power.
- Applies bleed for 50% of damage done every 1 second for 3 seconds.
- Damage increases based on the damage dealt of your last attack. (Does not count itself)
- 450 range.
- Uses 180(+30) CP.
- Gains 125(+25) CP.

After a brief delay, summon 3 spikes in a a cone that damages everything they come in contact with, dealing wind damage equal to 175%(+10%) of your weapon offensive power.
- If your weapon has 100 O.P, this means that the base damage will be 175.
- Uses 450(+70) CP.
- Gains 200(+40) CP.

Your offense and defense breaker will always land a critical hit.

Leap to the target location or enemy, dealing 200%(+40%) physical damage to the target and 50% physical damage to all enemies around the target and stuns them for 5 seconds.
- 150 minimum range.
- 1000 range.
- Uses 170(+30) CP.
- Gains 0 CP.

Enter a blood rage.
Gives you 250% physical damage reflect and increases your crit chance by 12%(+2%).
Also increases your final magic damage by 30%(+10%) for and physical damage by 25%(+5%), attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 20%.
- 10 seconds duration.
- Max 30% crit chance.
- Max 50% final magic damage.
- 10 seconds cooldown.
- Uses 155(+20) CP.
- Gains 150(+30) CP.

Swing your sword in a circle around you 3 times, dealing 30%(+10%) physical damage and 30-80 wind damage to all enemies in radius.
- 100(+20) radius.
- +50% accuracy.
- Uses 65(+10) CP.
- Gains 25(+5) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 125%(+25%) physical damage.
- Uses 0 CP.
- Gains 28(+5) CP.

Swing your sword at the target 3 times in quick succession, dealing -25%(+5%) physical damage with each strike.
- Uses 60(+10) CP.
- Gains 100(+20) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 350%(+60%) physical damage.
- Uses 95(+15) CP.
- Gains 100(+20) CP.

Swing your sword to create a sonic wave to slash your target from range, dealing 150%(+30%) physical damage and 60-160 wind damage.
- Inflicts electric shock for 10 seconds.
- Roughly 450 range.
- Uses 120(+20) CP.
- Gains 50(+10) CP.

After a brief delay, swing your sword at your target 10 times in quick succession, dealing 115%(+25%) physical damage with each swing.
- Uses 270(+40) CP.
- Gains 185(+25) CP.

After a brief delay, summon spikes in the target direction that damages everything they come in contact with, dealing wind damage equal to 175%(+10%) of your weapon offensive power.
- If your weapon has 100 O.P, this means that the base damage will be 175.
- Uses 450(+70) CP.
- Gains 200(+40) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 115%(+23%) physical damage with 7.5%(+1.5%) increased accuracy.
- Uses 0 CP.
- Gains 25(+4) CP.

Swing your sword in a circle around you, dealing 30%(+10%) physical damage and 30-80 wind damage to all enemies in radius.
- 100(+20) radius.
- -3% accuracy.
- Uses 65(+10) CP.
- Gains 25(+5) CP.

Create a gust of wind with your sword in the target location in melee range, dealing wind damage equal to 150%(+10%) of your weapon offensive power with 5%(+1%) increased accuracy.
- If your weapon has 100 average O.P, this means that the base damage will be 150.
- Damage increased depending on how close the target is to the center of the radius, up to 140% down to 80%.
- 150(+10) range.
- 150(+10) radius.
- Uses 225(+40) CP.
- Gains 175(+25) CP.

Soak your sword in blood and throw it at the target, dealing 125%(+25%) physical damage and darkness damage equal to 100%(+10%) of your weapons offensive power.
- Damage increases based on the damage dealt of your last attack. (Does not count itself)
- 450 range.
- Uses 180(+30) CP.
- Gains 125(+25) CP.

Create a storm at the target location, dealing wind damage equal to 300%(+20%) of your weapon offensive power.
- 175(+10) range.
- 150(+10) radius.
- Uses 420(+70) CP.

Summon a raging water dragon that spins in a circle around you, dealing 310-350 water damage 5 times over 6 seconds.
- 450(+50) radius.
- Uses 450(+70) CP.
- Gains 0 CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 90%(+18%) physical damage with 20%(+4%) increased attack speed.
- Uses 5 CP.
- Gains 40(+8) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 135%(+25%) physical damage with 20%(+4%) increased attack speed.
- Uses 15 CP.
- Gains 70(+14) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 135%(+25%) physical damage and 40-80 wind damage with 20%(+4%) increased attack speed and 5%(+1%) increased accuracy.
- Uses 30 CP.
- Gains 75(+15) CP.

Swing your sword at the target, dealing 125%(+25%) physical damage, 125%(+25%) physical damage and 125%(+25%) physical damage with 20%(+4%) increased attack speed and 7.5%(+1.5%) increased accuracy.
- Uses 60 CP.
- Gains 90(+18) CP.

Leap to the target location.
- 33% chance to stun the target for 5(+1) seconds if you land on one.
- 150 minimum range.
- 1000(+150) range.
- Uses 30(+5) CP.
- Gains 30(+6) CP.

Leap at the target, dealing 175%(+35%) physical damage .
- 150 minimum range.
- 900(+100) range.
- Uses 112(+20) CP.
- Gains 110(+22) CP:

Leap to the target location or enemy, dealing 200%(+40%) physical damage to the target and 50% physical damage to all enemies around the target.
- 150 minimum range.
- 1000 range.
- Uses 170(+30) CP.
- Gains 0 CP.

Leap to the target, dealing 117%(+20%) physical damage 6(+1) times.
- 150 minimum range.
- 1000 range.
- uses 200(+30) CP.
- Gains 25(+5) CP.

You have a 45%(+4%) chance to counterattack when struck, dealing 100%(+20%) physical damage.
- Activation skill.
- Uses 8(+1) CP.
- Gains 10(+2) CP.

You have a 60%(+8%) chance to counterattack when struck, dealing 150%(+30%) physical damage and lowers their defense by -402(-80) for 30 seconds.
- Activation skill.
- Uses 65(+10) CP.
- Gains 25(+5) CP.

You have a 65%(+10%) chance to block a projectile shot against you.
- Activation skill.
- Uses 30 CP.
- Gains 90(+15) CP.

You have a 25%(+4%) chance to counterattack when struck, dealing 150%(+30%) physical damage and lowers their physical damage by -115(-20) for 30 seconds.
- Uses 130(+20) CP.
- Gains 50(+10) CP.

Enter a blood rage.
Increases your final magic damage by 30%(+10%) for and physical damage by 25%(+5%), attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 20%.
- 10 seconds duration.
- Max 50% final magic damage.
- 10 seconds cooldown.
- Uses 155(+20) CP.
- Gains 150(+30) CP.
1» Dragon Warrior
1. Rapid Blows [10]
2. Devastating Wind [1]
3. Dragon Twister [50]
4. Blood Rage [50]
5. (Awaken Dragon Twister) [1]
2» Berserker
1. Rapid Blows [10]
2. Devastating Wind [1]
3. Hurricane Shock [50]
4. Delayed Crushing [50]
5. Blood Rage [50]
6. (Awaken Delayed Crushing) [1]
7. (Awaken Hurricane Shock) [1]
8. Illusive Leap [50]
9. (Awaken Illusive Leap) [1]
10. (Awaken Blood Rage) [1]
Dragon Twister

Battle Axe of Mir

Blue Velvet

Unicorn Bending


why dragon warrior need luck?
ReplyDeleteWarrior using Dragon Twister hits damage cap at relatively low level. Don't need too much knowledge.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I find the T sets?