Monster | Type | Name | Drops |
Dark Priests | General 2 | False Preacher | Wing, mace, class armor, crown, shield, cross |
General 3 | Exorcist | Wing, mace, class armor, crown, cross, resurrection scrolls | |
General 4 | False Cleric | Wing, mace, sickle, class armor, shield, neck, cross | |
Semiboss 2 | Dark Priest | Wing, mace, class armor, crown, cross, resurrection scrolls | |
Boss 2 | Dark Bishop | Unconfirmed | |
Hunters | General 1 | Hunter | One handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo |
General 2 | Archer | One handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
General 3 | Shooter | One handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
Semiboss 1 | Sniper | One handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
Boss 1 | Black Elf | One handed sword, bow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo, candy | |
Thieves | General 1 | Thief | Dagger, rod, class armor, ring, candy |
General 2 | Rogue | Dagger, rod, class armor, claws, the key | |
General 3 | Snatcher | Dagger, rod, sickle, class armor, the claws, the key | |
Semiboss 1 | Robber | Dagger, bullet, rod, class armor, claws | |
Semiboss 2 | Assassin | Dagger, arrow, rod, nail, class armor | |
Templars | General 2 | Onoyari-hei | Two handed sword, spear, armor, bangles, cross, medicine |
General 3 | Court Knight | Two handed sword, spear, sickle, bullet, helmet, bangles, cross, candy | |
General 4 | Red Eye Soldier Escort | Two handed sword, spear, armor, bangles, cross, key | |
Semiboss 2 | Templer | Two handed sword, spear, helmet, bangles, cross, key | |
Boss 2 | Avenger | Two handed sword, spear, arrow, armor, bracelet, cross | |
Magicians | General 1 | Sutoragura | Cane, sling, cloak, neck, dragon products, candy |
General 3 | Corrupted Magician | Cane, sling, cloak, neck, dragon products, candy | |
General 4 | Black Mage | Cane, sling, bullet, gloves, claws, stone | |
Semiboss 1 | Sorcerer | Cane, sling, class armor, neck, dragon products, ressurection scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Doom Caster | Cane, sling, bullet, helmet, neck, dragon products | |
Red-eye magicians | General 4 | Red Eye magic nurses | Arrow, whistle, rod, crown, cloak, brooch |
Semiboss 1 | Red Eye executive | rod, whip, crown, cloak, brooch, charging potions | |
Semiboss 2 | Red Eye Senate | Arrow, whistle, rod, crown, cloak, brooch | |
Boss 1 | Red eye surgery method nurses | Cane, rod, crown, cloak, brooch, resurrection scrolls | |
Boss 2 | Red Eye Marshal | Undeterminable | |
Summoners | General 2 | Dark Summoner | Dagger, bullet, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo |
General 3 | Red Eye staff member | Dagger, bullet, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo | |
General 4 | Devils color | Fang, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo | |
Semiboss 2 | Fukami-jutsu nurses | Sling, bullet, whip, waist, ear, shoulder tattoo | |
Boss 1 | Spiritualist | Dagger, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo, charging potions | |
Native | General 1 | Red Eye Believer | Fang, whistle, armor, quiver, the Cross, candy |
General 2 | Primitive man | Fang, whistle, gloves, quiver, the Cross, candy | |
General 3 | Primitive man | Fang, whistle, shoes, quiver, the Cross, medicine | |
Semiboss 1 | Eater | Fang, whistle, shoes, quiver, the Cross, medicine | |
Boss 1 | Magic Primitive | Fang, whistle, shoes, quiver, the Cross, medicine | |
Elves | General 3 | Elf warrior | One handed sword, bow, arrows, armor, rings, arm tattoo |
General 4 | Elf assassin | One handed sword, dagger, helmet, shield, ring, arm tattoo | |
Semiboss 1 | Elf Patrol | One handed sword, bow, arrow, helmet, ring, arm tattoo | |
Semiboss 3 | Elf Knight | One handed sword, spear, armor, shield, ring, arm tattoo | |
Boss 3 | Elf King | One handed sword, bow, arrows, armor, rings, arm tattoo | |
Giants | General 3 | Oak | mace, Fang, bullet, crown, shoes, medicine |
Semiboss 1 | Giant | mace, Fang, shoes, neck, healing potions, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | Highlander | Cane, sling, bullet, claws, shoes, medicine | |
Boss 1 | Colossus | mace, Fang, shoes, finger, healing potions, stat scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Titan | Cane, sling, bullet, crown, shoes, medicine | |
Rogues | General 4 | Rogue 1 | Fang, whistle, claws, medicine |
Escape magic nurses system | Semiboss 1 | Escape magic nurses 2 | Two handed sword, healing potions |
High Elves | General 4 | High Elf | Shoes, pins, stat scrolls |
Semiboss 1 | Elf Guard | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 1 | High Elf 3 | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 3 | Elf Guard 4 | Unconfirmed | |
Monster | Type | Name | Drops |
Zombies | General 1 | Living dead | Fang, dagger, claws, hip, medicine, candy |
General 2 | Ghoul | Dagger, sling, claws, shoes ,, medicine healing potions | |
General 3 | Zombie | Fang, dagger, claws, helmet, candy, medicine | |
Semiboss 1 | Supuku | Dagger, sling, claws, hip, medicine, medicine | |
Boss 1 | Desupinsa | Fang, dagger, armor, claws, medicine, medicine | |
Double sword skeletons | General 1 | Two swords skeleton warrior | One handed sword, bow, arrow, helmet, quiver, medicine |
General 2 | Defense skeleton warrior | One handed sword, spear, bullet, helmet, quiver, medicine | |
General 3 | Skeleton swordsman | One handed sword, bow, arrow, helmet, quiver, medicine | |
Semiboss 1 | Twin swordsman of death | One handed sword, spear, helmet, quiver, medicine, key | |
Boss 1 | Hell of the twin sword | Undeterminable | |
Axe skeletons | General 1 | Skeleton warrior ax | Unconfirmed |
General 2 | Attack skeleton warrior | Two handed sword, staff, shield, shoes, medicine, quiver | |
General 3 | Skeleton berserk | Whistle, dagger, bullet, shoes, bangles, medicine | |
Semiboss 1 | Ax of death | Two handed sword, staff, shield, shoes, medicine, quiver | |
Boss 1 | Hell of ax | Undeterminable | |
Large skeletons | General 1 | Large skeleton | Two handed sword, mace, bullet, crown, class armor, stat scrolls |
General 2 | Giant skeleton | Fang, mace, arrow, class armor, ring, stat scrolls | |
General 3 | Skeleton knight | mace, sling, arrow, claws, class armor, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | Death knight | Fang, mace, bullet, armor, claws, stat scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Hell Knight | mace, cane, arrows, armor, claws, stat scrolls | |
Guardians | General 2 | Living mail | One handed sword, bow, armor, shield, bangles, stat scrolls |
General 3 | Yoroirei | One handed sword, bow, bullet, armor, neck, stat scrolls | |
General 4 | Ghost armor | Two handed sword, bow, armor, shield, bangles, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | Guardian armor | One handed sword, bow, armor, shield, neck, stat scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Fantasy armor | Two handed sword, bow, armor, shield, bangles, dragon products | |
Mummys | General 2 | Mummy | Spear, cane, hip, bangles, medicine, dragon products |
General 3 | Bandage human | Spear, cane, arrows, hip, bangles, dragon products | |
General 4 | Enbamudo | Spear, whip, waist, bangles, medicine, dragon products | |
Semiboss 1 | Mommy | Spear, cane, waist, neck, medicine, dragon products | |
Boss 1 | Mommy King | Unconfirmed | |
Ghouls | General 1 | Slip worker | Sling, rods, bullets, helmet, neck, brooch |
General 2 | Lunatic | Sling, rods, bullets, shoes, neck, brooch | |
General 3 | Prager | Sling, rods, bullets, waist, neck, brooch | |
Semiboss 1 | Junkie | Sling, rods, helmet, earrings, pins, key | |
Boss 1 | Alive Corpse | Sling, rod, shoes, neck, brooch, key | |
Ghosts | General 1 | Ghost | Wing, whistle, cloak, earrings, pins, key |
General 2 | Illusion | Wing, whistle, arrows, cloak, earrings, brooch | |
General 3 | Phantom | Wing, whistle, arrows, cloak, earrings, brooch | |
Semiboss 1 | Banshee | Wing, whistle, cloak, earrings, pins, candy | |
Boss 1 | Illusion | Undeterminable | |
Vampires | General 3 | Vampire | Fang, whip, class armor, ring, candy |
Semiboss 1 | Senior Vampire | Whistle, whip, class armor, ring, brooch, candy | |
Semiboss 2 | Ancient Vampire | Fang, whip, bullet, class armor, ring, brooch | |
Boss 1 | Bram Stoker's Dracula | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 2 | North Blow-to | Undeterminable | |
Liches | Semiboss 1 | Specter magician | Cane, wings, gloves, crown, brooch, candy |
Semiboss 2 | Leith | Cane, wings, gloves, crown, medicine, stone | |
Semiboss 3 | Wight | Cane, dagger, gloves, crown, charging potions, stone | |
Boss 2 | Rich | Cane, wings, gloves, crown, stone, healing potions | |
Boss 3 | Arc rich | Undeterminable | |
Undead Magician (Small Lich) | General 3 | Undead magic nurses | Arrow, medicine, healing potions |
General 4 | Undead magic nurses 1 | Unconfirmed | |
General 4 | Undead Mage | Unconfirmed | |
Semiboss 1 | Undead sorcerer 2 | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 3 | Undead Rock 4 | Unconfirmed | |
Bone Chimaera | General 4 | Bone chimeric | Helmet, quiver, medicine, candy, dragon products |
General 4 | Blue collar gate | Unconfirmed | |
Semiboss 1 | Bone Chimera 1 | Unconfirmed | |
Semiboss 2 | Bone chimera 2 | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 3 | Blue collar gate 4 | Unconfirmed | |
Giant Skeleton (Floating Skeleton Head) | General 4 | Giant skeleton | Unconfirmed |
General 4 | Viking head | Unconfirmed | |
Semiboss 1 | Giant skeleton 1 | Fang, mace, cane, class armor, medicine | |
Boss 3 | Death mask 4 | Unconfirmed |
Monster | Type | Name | Drops |
Wolves | General 1 | Stray dog | Fang, whistle, class armor, quiver, key |
General 3 | Wolf | Bow, Fang, cloak, quiver, medicine | |
Semiboss 1 | Red Eye guard dog | Fang, whip, class armor, quiver, key | |
Semiboss 2 | Dyer Wolf | Fang, mace, shoes, quiver, charging potions | |
Boss 2 | Hellbound | Two handed sword, Fang, class armor, quiver, key | |
Spiders | General 1 | Spider | One handed sword, arrows, daggers, gloves, neck, medicine |
General 2 | Phase spider | One handed sword, arrows, daggers, gloves, neck, medicine | |
General 3 | Sword Spider | One handed sword, spear, arrow, gloves, neck, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | Weave Widow | One handed sword, spear, arrow, gloves, neck, medicine | |
Boss 1 | Arakunoido | One handed sword, arrows, daggers, gloves, neck, stone | |
Leeches | General 1 | Mushi | mace, sling, crown, cloak, medicine, candy |
General 2 | Reach | One handed sword, mace, crown, cloak, medicine, candy | |
General 3 | Maggot | mace, sling, crown, cloak, medicine, candy | |
General 4 | Crawler | One handed sword, mace, crown, cloak, medicine, candy | |
Semiboss 1 | Creeper | mace, sling, crown, cloak, medicine, candy | |
Herd of Wasps / Hornets etc | General 1 | Herd of Mushi | Wing, whistle, gloves, earrings, medicine, candy |
General 2 | Herd of ?? insects | Wing, whistle, waist, neck, medicine, candy | |
General 3 | Herd of murder mosquito | Wing, whistle, shoes, earrings, medicine, candy | |
Semiboss 1 | Herd of locusts | Wing, whistle, helmet, neck, medicine, candy | |
Boss 1 | Swarm | Unconfirmed | |
Crabs | General 1 | Club Shell | Two handed sword, dagger, shield, claws, shoes, medicine |
General 2 | Big Club | Two handed sword, dagger, sickle, shoes, ring, medicine, dragon products | |
General 3 | Side Walker | Two handed sword, throwing weapons, shields, claws, shoes, stone | |
Semiboss 1 | King Club | Two handed sword, dagger, shoes, ring, medicine, medicine | |
Boss 1 | Cancer | Two handed sword, dagger, hips, claws, medicine, stone | |
Turtles | General 1 | Freshwater turtle | Cane, rod, armor, crown, shield, dragon products |
General 2 | Huge Turtle | Cane, rod, armor, crown, ressurection scrolls, dragon products | |
General 3 | Big Shell | Cane, rod, armor, crown, shield, dragon products | |
Semiboss 2 | Triangle | Cane, rod, armor, crown, charging potions, dragon products | |
Boss 1 | Turtle Dragon | Cane, rod, armor, crown, shield, dragon products | |
Jellyfishes | General 1 | Fei jellyfish | Sling, bullet, whip, waist, bangles, medicine |
General 2 | Air slime | Sling, bullet, whip, hips, ears | |
General 3 | Aqua slime | Sling, bullet, whip, waist, bangles, medicine | |
Semiboss 1 | Crystal squid | Sling, bullet, whip, waist, bangles, dragon products | |
Boss 1 | Kraken | Undeterminable | |
Scorpions | General 1 | Scorpion | Spear, bow, helmet, shield, earrings |
General 2 | Poison Tail | Spear, bow, arrows, helmet, Bangles | |
General 3 | Desupinsa * 1 | Spear, bow, helmet, shield, earrings | |
Semiboss 2 | Cannibalism Scorpion | Spear, bow, arrows, helmet, earrings | |
Boss 2 | White Scorpion | Undeterminable | |
Bears | General 3 | Black Bear | Fang, whip, gloves, claws, medicine, stone |
General 4 | Brown Bear | Fang, whistle, claws, shoes, healing potions, stone | |
Semiboss 1 | Polar bear | Two handed sword, whip, armor, earrings, ressurection scrolls, stone | |
Boss 1 | King Bear | Whistle, wings, armor, claws, stone, key | |
Boss 3 | Yumiharizuki bear | Undeterminable | |
Moles | General 3 | Large mole | Two handed sword, bullets, rods, class armor, ring, stat scrolls |
General 4 | Giant Mole | Cane, whip, gloves, ring, ressurection scrolls, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | Digger | Bow, sling, bullet, gloves, ring, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 2 | My ance Sweeper | Cane, bullet, whip, gloves, ring, stat scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Load breaker | Whistle, bullet, rod, class armor, ring, stat scrolls | |
Tirindora | Semiboss 1 | Frog 1 | claws, shoes, healing potions |
Chameleon | Semiboss 1 | Chameleon 1 | Sling, shield, dragon products |
Devil type †
Monster | Type | Name | Drops |
Kobolds | General 1 | Kobold | Fang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo |
General 2 | Gremlins | Fang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo | |
General 3 | Goblin | Fang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo | |
General 4 | Familia | Fang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo | |
Semiboss 1 | Imp | Fang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo | |
Chickens | General 1 | Eagle warrior | One handed sword, two-handed sword, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo |
General 2 | Washitoshi | One handed sword, bow, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
General 3 | Eagle berserker | One handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
Semiboss 1 | Eagle swordsman | One handed sword, bow, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
Boss 1 | Washi-o | One handed sword, bow, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo | |
Ratmen | General 1 | Rat-Man | Whistle, dagger, bullet, shoes, ring, medicine |
General 2 | War Rat | Arrow, dagger, rod, shoes, quiver, medicine | |
General 3 | Ratian | Dagger, whistle, bullet, shoes, bangles, medicine | |
General 4 | Rat Thief | Dagger, rod, arrow, shoes, quiver, dragon products | |
Boss 1 | Rat King | Whistle, dagger, bullet, crown, shoes, stat scrolls | |
Ogres | General 3 | Auger | Cane, mace, armor, earrings, candy, stat scrolls |
General 4 | Auger Soldier | mace, sling, bullet, armor, earrings, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | Ogachifu | Cane, mace, armor, earrings, medicine, the stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 3 | Auger Officers | Bow, rod, armor, earrings, healing potions, stat scrolls | |
Boss 2 | Auger General | Undeterminable | |
Lizardmen | General 1 | Lizardman | Two handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy |
General 2 | Lizard Warrior | Two handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
General 3 | Lizard Killing | Two handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
Semiboss 1 | Naga Fighter | Two handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
Boss 1 | Naga Sphere | Two handed sword, spear, gloves, quiver | |
Lizard rider system | General 2 | Lizard rider | Spear, sling, class armor, neck, candy, dragon products |
General 3 | Lizard charge | Spear, staff, class armor, neck, candy, dragon products | |
General 4 | Lizard true path | Bow, arrow, rod, class armor, neck, dragon products | |
Semiboss 2 | Naga Night | Bow, rod, class armor, neck, healing potions, dragon products | |
Boss 2 | Naga Lancer | Bow, arrows, sling, class armor, neck, dragon products | |
Goats | General 1 | Gotoman | mace, whistle, crown, cloak, stat scrolls, ressurection scrolls |
General 3 | Wear Goat | Wing, whip, gloves, ring, stone, key | |
Semiboss 2 | Horned | Wing, rod, bangles, cloak, ressurection scrolls, stone | |
Semiboss 3 | Bureima | One handed sword, spear, bullet, class armor, claws | |
Boss 3 | Baphomet | Spear, whip, shoes, quiver, shoes | |
Eyed Wings | General 3 | Eye Wing | Wing, whistle, helmet, crown, medicine, medicine |
General 4 | Doom Sphere | Wing, whistle, helmet, neck, medicine, medicine | |
Semiboss 2 | Beholder | Wing, dagger, helmet, crown, medicine, medicine | |
Semiboss 3 | Argos | Undeterminable | |
Boss 2 | Over Sheer | Undeterminable | |
Demons | General 1 | Piendo | Cane, whip, waist, ring, cross, medicine |
General 2 | Lesser daemon | Arrow, Fang, whip, ring, cloak, cross | |
Semiboss 2 | Daemon | Cane, whip, waist, ring, cross, charging potions | |
Semiboss 3 | Devil | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 2 | Satan | Cane, whip, waist, ring, cross, medicine | |
Stone Observer | Semiboss 2 | Stone Observer | Unconfirmed |
Semiboss 3 | Stone Inn Toldo | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 1 | Stone Raba | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 2 | Stone keeper | Unconfirmed | |
Boss 3 | Red devil | Two handed sword, class armor, neck, stat scrolls, key | |
Witch | General 3 | Witch | rod, armor, shoes |
Semiboss 1 | Witch 1 | Unconfirmed | |
Ancient Devil | Semiboss 1 | Ancient devil 1 | Two handed sword, neck, bracelet, key |
Pumpkin | Semiboss 1 | Pumpkin head 1 | Whistle, neck, cloak, ring, medicine, candy |
Mantis | General 3 | Mantis | Unconfirmed |
Monster | Type | Name | Drops |
Mermans | General 2 | Nix | One handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, shoulder tattoo, key |
General 3 | Mellow | One handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, candy, shoulder tattoo | |
General 4 | Merman | One handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
Semiboss 2 | Merman file data | One handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
Boss 2 | Triton | Undeterminable | |
Trunk Men | General 3 | Trunk Man | Cane, whip, waist, ring, candy, stat scrolls |
General 4 | Trent | Two handed sword, cane, hip, crown, charging potions, stat scrolls | |
General 4 | Timber Man | One handed sword, cane, crown, hip, healing potions, stat scrolls | |
Semiboss 1 | En Computing | Cane, mace, waist, earrings, healing potions, stat scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Entry | Cane, spear, waist, earrings, charging potions, stat scrolls | |
Fire Blowers | General 1 | Fire blower | Fang, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products |
General 2 | Fufu | Cane, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products | |
General 3 | Bray jar | Fang, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products | |
Semiboss 1 | Hioni | Cane, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products | |
Boss 1 | Flame devil | Undeterminable | |
Golems | General 1 | Golem | Two handed sword, cane, claws, shoes, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls |
General 2 | Clay Golem | Two handed sword, cane, shoes, quiver, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls | |
General 4 | Rock Golem | Two handed sword, staff, shoes, quiver, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls | |
Semiboss 3 | Metal Golem | Two handed sword, sling, shoes, quiver, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls | |
Boss 1 | Diamond golem | Two handed sword, mace, shoes, crown, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls | |
Gargoyles | General 1 | Gargoyle | Wing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key |
General 4 | Marble moth Goiru | Wing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key | |
Semiboss 1 | Ebony moth Goiru | Wing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key | |
Semiboss 2 | Onyx moth Goiru | Wing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key | |
Boss 2 | Oderongagoiru | Unconfirmed | |
Dim Jesters | General 2 | Dim Jester | Wing, whistle, helmet, shield, ring |
General 4 | Ripley To marking | Bow, dagger, shield, cloak, ring | |
Semiboss 2 | Shadousu | Two handed sword, sling, shield, gloves, bracelet | |
Boss 1 | Dark Fire | Spear, wings, whistle, class armor, ring, healing potions | |
Boss 3 | Vivid Black | Unconfirmed | |
Centaurs | General 1 | Bread | Spear, whistle, class armor, crown, cross |
General 4 | Satirosu | Spear, whistle, class armor, quiver, medicine, stone | |
Semiboss 1 | Centaur | Spear, whistle, class armor, quiver, medicine, stone | |
Semiboss 2 | Centaur knight | Spear, whistle, class armor, quiver, medicine, stone | |
Boss 2 | Centaur King | Undeterminable | |
Octupuses | General 1 | Octopus ton | Fang, dagger, neck, cloak, shoulder tattoo, candy |
General 2 | Koyabu | Fang, dagger, neck, cloak, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
General 3 | Cast eye | Fang, dagger, neck, cloak, shoulder tattoo, candy | |
Semiboss 1 | Snow tree | Fang, dagger | |
Boss 1 | Saribirae | Undeterminable | |
Salamanders | General 1 | Torch ing Lizard | Undeterminable |
General 2 | Fire Drake | Bow, arrows, rods, helmet, crown, dragon products | |
Semiboss 1 | Salamander | Bow, arrow, rod, crown, shoes, dragon products | |
Semiboss 2 | Ifuryito | Bow, arrow, rod, neck, cloak, dragon products | |
Boss 2 | Sultan | Bow, arrow, rod, crown, shoes, dragon products | |
Grimm Joker | General 1 | Grimm Joker | Spear, whip, armor, shield, ring |
General 3 | Void raster | Whistle, rod, shield, cloak, ring | |
Semiboss 1 | Will-o'-the-wisp | Bow, dagger, shield, waist, ring | |
Semiboss 2 | White Shadow | One handed sword, two-handed sword, armor, shield, Bangles | |
Boss 3 | Pale Light | Unconfirmed | |
Apostles | Semiboss 1 | Acts 1 | mace, dragon products |
Buffalo | Semiboss 1 | Dark Buffalo 1 | Bullet, whip, helmet, ring, arm tattoo, brooch |