Prinya: Item Drops

Item Drops


Dark PriestsGeneral 2False PreacherWing, mace, class armor, crown, shield, cross
General 3ExorcistWing, mace, class armor, crown, cross, resurrection scrolls
General 4False ClericWing, mace, sickle, class armor, shield, neck, cross
Semiboss 2Dark PriestWing, mace, class armor, crown, cross, resurrection scrolls
Boss 2Dark BishopUnconfirmed
HuntersGeneral 1HunterOne handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
General 2ArcherOne handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
General 3ShooterOne handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
Semiboss 1SniperOne handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
Boss 1Black ElfOne handed sword, bow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo, candy
ThievesGeneral 1ThiefDagger, rod, class armor, ring, candy
General 2RogueDagger, rod, class armor, claws, the key
General 3SnatcherDagger, rod, sickle, class armor, the claws, the key
Semiboss 1RobberDagger, bullet, rod, class armor, claws
Semiboss 2AssassinDagger, arrow, rod, nail, class armor
TemplarsGeneral 2Onoyari-heiTwo handed sword, spear, armor, bangles, cross, medicine
General 3Court KnightTwo handed sword, spear, sickle, bullet, helmet, bangles, cross, candy
General 4Red Eye Soldier EscortTwo handed sword, spear, armor, bangles, cross, key
Semiboss 2TemplerTwo handed sword, spear, helmet, bangles, cross, key
Boss 2AvengerTwo handed sword, spear, arrow, armor, bracelet, cross
MagiciansGeneral 1SutoraguraCane, sling, cloak, neck, dragon products, candy
General 3Corrupted MagicianCane, sling, cloak, neck, dragon products, candy
General 4Black MageCane, sling, bullet, gloves, claws, stone
Semiboss 1SorcererCane, sling, class armor, neck, dragon products, ressurection scrolls
Boss 1Doom CasterCane, sling, bullet, helmet, neck, dragon products
Red-eye magiciansGeneral 4Red Eye magic nursesArrow, whistle, rod, crown, cloak, brooch
Semiboss 1Red Eye executiverod, whip, crown, cloak, brooch, charging potions
Semiboss 2Red Eye SenateArrow, whistle, rod, crown, cloak, brooch
Boss 1Red eye surgery method nursesCane, rod, crown, cloak, brooch, resurrection scrolls
Boss 2Red Eye MarshalUndeterminable
SummonersGeneral 2Dark SummonerDagger, bullet, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo
General 3Red Eye staff memberDagger, bullet, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo
General 4Devils colorFang, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo
Semiboss 2Fukami-jutsu nursesSling, bullet, whip, waist, ear, shoulder tattoo
Boss 1SpiritualistDagger, whip, waist, earrings, shoulder tattoo, charging potions
NativeGeneral 1Red Eye BelieverFang, whistle, armor, quiver, the Cross, candy
General 2Primitive manFang, whistle, gloves, quiver, the Cross, candy
General 3Primitive manFang, whistle, shoes, quiver, the Cross, medicine
Semiboss 1EaterFang, whistle, shoes, quiver, the Cross, medicine
Boss 1Magic PrimitiveFang, whistle, shoes, quiver, the Cross, medicine
ElvesGeneral 3Elf warriorOne handed sword, bow, arrows, armor, rings, arm tattoo
General 4Elf assassinOne handed sword, dagger, helmet, shield, ring, arm tattoo
Semiboss 1Elf PatrolOne handed sword, bow, arrow, helmet, ring, arm tattoo
Semiboss 3Elf KnightOne handed sword, spear, armor, shield, ring, arm tattoo
Boss 3Elf KingOne handed sword, bow, arrows, armor, rings, arm tattoo
GiantsGeneral 3Oakmace, Fang, bullet, crown, shoes, medicine
Semiboss 1Giantmace, Fang, shoes, neck, healing potions, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1HighlanderCane, sling, bullet, claws, shoes, medicine
Boss 1Colossusmace, Fang, shoes, finger, healing potions, stat scrolls
Boss 1TitanCane, sling, bullet, crown, shoes, medicine
RoguesGeneral 4Rogue 1Fang, whistle, claws, medicine
Escape magic nurses systemSemiboss 1Escape magic nurses 2Two handed sword, healing potions
High ElvesGeneral 4High ElfShoes, pins, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1Elf GuardUnconfirmed
Boss 1High Elf 3Unconfirmed
Boss 3Elf Guard 4Unconfirmed


ZombiesGeneral 1Living deadFang, dagger, claws, hip, medicine, candy
General 2GhoulDagger, sling, claws, shoes ,, medicine healing potions
General 3ZombieFang, dagger, claws, helmet, candy, medicine
Semiboss 1SupukuDagger, sling, claws, hip, medicine, medicine
Boss 1DesupinsaFang, dagger, armor, claws, medicine, medicine
Double sword skeletonsGeneral 1Two swords skeleton warriorOne handed sword, bow, arrow, helmet, quiver, medicine
General 2Defense skeleton warriorOne handed sword, spear, bullet, helmet, quiver, medicine
General 3Skeleton swordsmanOne handed sword, bow, arrow, helmet, quiver, medicine
Semiboss 1Twin swordsman of deathOne handed sword, spear, helmet, quiver, medicine, key
Boss 1Hell of the twin swordUndeterminable
Axe skeletonsGeneral 1Skeleton warrior axUnconfirmed
General 2Attack skeleton warriorTwo handed sword, staff, shield, shoes, medicine, quiver
General 3Skeleton berserkWhistle, dagger, bullet, shoes, bangles, medicine
Semiboss 1Ax of deathTwo handed sword, staff, shield, shoes, medicine, quiver
Boss 1Hell of axUndeterminable
Large skeletonsGeneral 1Large skeletonTwo handed sword, mace, bullet, crown, class armor, stat scrolls
General 2Giant skeletonFang, mace, arrow, class armor, ring, stat scrolls
General 3Skeleton knightmace, sling, arrow, claws, class armor, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1Death knightFang, mace, bullet, armor, claws, stat scrolls
Boss 1Hell Knightmace, cane, arrows, armor, claws, stat scrolls
GuardiansGeneral 2Living mailOne handed sword, bow, armor, shield, bangles, stat scrolls
General 3YoroireiOne handed sword, bow, bullet, armor, neck, stat scrolls
General 4Ghost armorTwo handed sword, bow, armor, shield, bangles, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1Guardian armorOne handed sword, bow, armor, shield, neck, stat scrolls
Boss 1Fantasy armorTwo handed sword, bow, armor, shield, bangles, dragon products
MummysGeneral 2MummySpear, cane, hip, bangles, medicine, dragon products
General 3Bandage humanSpear, cane, arrows, hip, bangles, dragon products
General 4EnbamudoSpear, whip, waist, bangles, medicine, dragon products
Semiboss 1MommySpear, cane, waist, neck, medicine, dragon products
Boss 1Mommy KingUnconfirmed
GhoulsGeneral 1Slip workerSling, rods, bullets, helmet, neck, brooch
General 2LunaticSling, rods, bullets, shoes, neck, brooch
General 3PragerSling, rods, bullets, waist, neck, brooch
Semiboss 1JunkieSling, rods, helmet, earrings, pins, key
Boss 1Alive CorpseSling, rod, shoes, neck, brooch, key
GhostsGeneral 1GhostWing, whistle, cloak, earrings, pins, key
General 2IllusionWing, whistle, arrows, cloak, earrings, brooch
General 3PhantomWing, whistle, arrows, cloak, earrings, brooch
Semiboss 1BansheeWing, whistle, cloak, earrings, pins, candy
Boss 1IllusionUndeterminable
VampiresGeneral 3VampireFang, whip, class armor, ring, candy
Semiboss 1Senior VampireWhistle, whip, class armor, ring, brooch, candy
Semiboss 2Ancient VampireFang, whip, bullet, class armor, ring, brooch
Boss 1Bram Stoker's DraculaUnconfirmed
Boss 2North Blow-toUndeterminable
LichesSemiboss 1Specter magicianCane, wings, gloves, crown, brooch, candy
Semiboss 2LeithCane, wings, gloves, crown, medicine, stone
Semiboss 3WightCane, dagger, gloves, crown, charging potions, stone
Boss 2RichCane, wings, gloves, crown, stone, healing potions
Boss 3Arc richUndeterminable
Undead Magician (Small Lich)General 3Undead magic nursesArrow, medicine, healing potions
General 4Undead magic nurses 1Unconfirmed
General 4Undead MageUnconfirmed
Semiboss 1Undead sorcerer 2Unconfirmed
Boss 3Undead Rock 4Unconfirmed
Bone ChimaeraGeneral 4Bone chimericHelmet, quiver, medicine, candy, dragon products
General 4Blue collar gateUnconfirmed
Semiboss 1Bone Chimera 1Unconfirmed
Semiboss 2Bone chimera 2Unconfirmed
Boss 3Blue collar gate 4Unconfirmed
Giant Skeleton (Floating Skeleton Head)General 4Giant skeletonUnconfirmed
General 4Viking headUnconfirmed
Semiboss 1Giant skeleton 1Fang, mace, cane, class armor, medicine
Boss 3Death mask 4Unconfirmed


WolvesGeneral 1Stray dogFang, whistle, class armor, quiver, key
General 3WolfBow, Fang, cloak, quiver, medicine
Semiboss 1Red Eye guard dogFang, whip, class armor, quiver, key
Semiboss 2Dyer WolfFang, mace, shoes, quiver, charging potions
Boss 2HellboundTwo handed sword, Fang, class armor, quiver, key
SpidersGeneral 1SpiderOne handed sword, arrows, daggers, gloves, neck, medicine
General 2Phase spiderOne handed sword, arrows, daggers, gloves, neck, medicine
General 3Sword SpiderOne handed sword, spear, arrow, gloves, neck, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1Weave WidowOne handed sword, spear, arrow, gloves, neck, medicine
Boss 1ArakunoidoOne handed sword, arrows, daggers, gloves, neck, stone
LeechesGeneral 1Mushimace, sling, crown, cloak, medicine, candy
General 2ReachOne handed sword, mace, crown, cloak, medicine, candy
General 3Maggotmace, sling, crown, cloak, medicine, candy
General 4CrawlerOne handed sword, mace, crown, cloak, medicine, candy
Semiboss 1Creepermace, sling, crown, cloak, medicine, candy
Herd of Wasps / Hornets etcGeneral 1Herd of MushiWing, whistle, gloves, earrings, medicine, candy
General 2Herd of ?? insectsWing, whistle, waist, neck, medicine, candy
General 3Herd of murder mosquitoWing, whistle, shoes, earrings, medicine, candy
Semiboss 1Herd of locustsWing, whistle, helmet, neck, medicine, candy
Boss 1SwarmUnconfirmed
CrabsGeneral 1Club ShellTwo handed sword, dagger, shield, claws, shoes, medicine
General 2Big ClubTwo handed sword, dagger, sickle, shoes, ring, medicine, dragon products
General 3Side WalkerTwo handed sword, throwing weapons, shields, claws, shoes, stone
Semiboss 1King ClubTwo handed sword, dagger, shoes, ring, medicine, medicine
Boss 1CancerTwo handed sword, dagger, hips, claws, medicine, stone
TurtlesGeneral 1Freshwater turtleCane, rod, armor, crown, shield, dragon products
General 2Huge TurtleCane, rod, armor, crown, ressurection scrolls, dragon products
General 3Big ShellCane, rod, armor, crown, shield, dragon products
Semiboss 2TriangleCane, rod, armor, crown, charging potions, dragon products
Boss 1Turtle DragonCane, rod, armor, crown, shield, dragon products
JellyfishesGeneral 1Fei jellyfishSling, bullet, whip, waist, bangles, medicine
General 2Air slimeSling, bullet, whip, hips, ears
General 3Aqua slimeSling, bullet, whip, waist, bangles, medicine
Semiboss 1Crystal squidSling, bullet, whip, waist, bangles, dragon products
Boss 1KrakenUndeterminable
ScorpionsGeneral 1ScorpionSpear, bow, helmet, shield, earrings
General 2Poison TailSpear, bow, arrows, helmet, Bangles
General 3Desupinsa * 1Spear, bow, helmet, shield, earrings
Semiboss 2Cannibalism ScorpionSpear, bow, arrows, helmet, earrings
Boss 2White ScorpionUndeterminable
BearsGeneral 3Black BearFang, whip, gloves, claws, medicine, stone
General 4Brown BearFang, whistle, claws, shoes, healing potions, stone
Semiboss 1Polar bearTwo handed sword, whip, armor, earrings, ressurection scrolls, stone
Boss 1King BearWhistle, wings, armor, claws, stone, key
Boss 3Yumiharizuki bearUndeterminable
MolesGeneral 3Large moleTwo handed sword, bullets, rods, class armor, ring, stat scrolls
General 4Giant MoleCane, whip, gloves, ring, ressurection scrolls, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1DiggerBow, sling, bullet, gloves, ring, stat scrolls
Semiboss 2My ance SweeperCane, bullet, whip, gloves, ring, stat scrolls
Boss 1Load breakerWhistle, bullet, rod, class armor, ring, stat scrolls
TirindoraSemiboss 1Frog 1claws, shoes, healing potions
ChameleonSemiboss 1Chameleon 1Sling, shield, dragon products

Devil type 

KoboldsGeneral 1KoboldFang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo
General 2GremlinsFang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo
General 3GoblinFang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo
General 4FamiliaFang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo
Semiboss 1ImpFang, sling, bullet, claws, hip, shoulder tattoo
ChickensGeneral 1Eagle warriorOne handed sword, two-handed sword, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
General 2WashitoshiOne handed sword, bow, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
General 3Eagle berserkerOne handed sword, bow, arrow, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
Semiboss 1Eagle swordsmanOne handed sword, bow, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
Boss 1Washi-oOne handed sword, bow, shield, gloves, bracelet, arm tattoo
RatmenGeneral 1Rat-ManWhistle, dagger, bullet, shoes, ring, medicine
General 2War RatArrow, dagger, rod, shoes, quiver, medicine
General 3RatianDagger, whistle, bullet, shoes, bangles, medicine
General 4Rat ThiefDagger, rod, arrow, shoes, quiver, dragon products
Boss 1Rat KingWhistle, dagger, bullet, crown, shoes, stat scrolls
OgresGeneral 3AugerCane, mace, armor, earrings, candy, stat scrolls
General 4Auger Soldiermace, sling, bullet, armor, earrings, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1OgachifuCane, mace, armor, earrings, medicine, the stat scrolls
Semiboss 3Auger OfficersBow, rod, armor, earrings, healing potions, stat scrolls
Boss 2Auger GeneralUndeterminable
LizardmenGeneral 1LizardmanTwo handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy
General 2Lizard WarriorTwo handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy
General 3Lizard KillingTwo handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy
Semiboss 1Naga FighterTwo handed sword, spear, armor, quiver, shoulder tattoo, candy
Boss 1Naga SphereTwo handed sword, spear, gloves, quiver
Lizard rider systemGeneral 2Lizard riderSpear, sling, class armor, neck, candy, dragon products
General 3Lizard chargeSpear, staff, class armor, neck, candy, dragon products
General 4Lizard true pathBow, arrow, rod, class armor, neck, dragon products
Semiboss 2Naga NightBow, rod, class armor, neck, healing potions, dragon products
Boss 2Naga LancerBow, arrows, sling, class armor, neck, dragon products
GoatsGeneral 1Gotomanmace, whistle, crown, cloak, stat scrolls, ressurection scrolls
General 3Wear GoatWing, whip, gloves, ring, stone, key
Semiboss 2HornedWing, rod, bangles, cloak, ressurection scrolls, stone
Semiboss 3BureimaOne handed sword, spear, bullet, class armor, claws
Boss 3BaphometSpear, whip, shoes, quiver, shoes
Eyed WingsGeneral 3Eye WingWing, whistle, helmet, crown, medicine, medicine
General 4Doom SphereWing, whistle, helmet, neck, medicine, medicine
Semiboss 2BeholderWing, dagger, helmet, crown, medicine, medicine
Semiboss 3ArgosUndeterminable
Boss 2Over SheerUndeterminable
DemonsGeneral 1PiendoCane, whip, waist, ring, cross, medicine
General 2Lesser daemonArrow, Fang, whip, ring, cloak, cross
Semiboss 2DaemonCane, whip, waist, ring, cross, charging potions
Semiboss 3DevilUnconfirmed
Boss 2SatanCane, whip, waist, ring, cross, medicine
Stone ObserverSemiboss 2Stone ObserverUnconfirmed
Semiboss 3Stone Inn ToldoUnconfirmed
Boss 1Stone RabaUnconfirmed
Boss 2Stone keeperUnconfirmed
Boss 3Red devilTwo handed sword, class armor, neck, stat scrolls, key

WitchGeneral 3Witchrod, armor, shoes
Semiboss 1Witch 1Unconfirmed

Ancient DevilSemiboss 1Ancient devil 1Two handed sword, neck, bracelet, key
PumpkinSemiboss 1Pumpkin head 1Whistle, neck, cloak, ring, medicine, candy
MantisGeneral 3MantisUnconfirmed


MermansGeneral 2NixOne handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, shoulder tattoo, key
General 3MellowOne handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, candy, shoulder tattoo
General 4MermanOne handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, shoulder tattoo, candy
Semiboss 2Merman file dataOne handed sword, mace, armor, earrings, shoulder tattoo, candy
Boss 2TritonUndeterminable
Trunk MenGeneral 3Trunk ManCane, whip, waist, ring, candy, stat scrolls
General 4TrentTwo handed sword, cane, hip, crown, charging potions, stat scrolls
General 4Timber ManOne handed sword, cane, crown, hip, healing potions, stat scrolls
Semiboss 1En ComputingCane, mace, waist, earrings, healing potions, stat scrolls
Boss 1EntryCane, spear, waist, earrings, charging potions, stat scrolls
Fire BlowersGeneral 1Fire blowerFang, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products
General 2FufuCane, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products
General 3Bray jarFang, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products
Semiboss 1HioniCane, sling, bullet, gloves, bracelet, dragon products
Boss 1Flame devilUndeterminable
GolemsGeneral 1GolemTwo handed sword, cane, claws, shoes, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls
General 2Clay GolemTwo handed sword, cane, shoes, quiver, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls
General 4Rock GolemTwo handed sword, staff, shoes, quiver, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls
Semiboss 3Metal GolemTwo handed sword, sling, shoes, quiver, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls
Boss 1Diamond golemTwo handed sword, mace, shoes, crown, arm tattoo, ressurection scrolls
GargoylesGeneral 1GargoyleWing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key
General 4Marble moth GoiruWing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key
Semiboss 1Ebony moth GoiruWing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key
Semiboss 2Onyx moth GoiruWing, whip, helmet, claws, stat scrolls, key
Boss 2OderongagoiruUnconfirmed
Dim JestersGeneral 2Dim JesterWing, whistle, helmet, shield, ring
General 4Ripley To markingBow, dagger, shield, cloak, ring
Semiboss 2ShadousuTwo handed sword, sling, shield, gloves, bracelet
Boss 1Dark FireSpear, wings, whistle, class armor, ring, healing potions
Boss 3Vivid BlackUnconfirmed
CentaursGeneral 1BreadSpear, whistle, class armor, crown, cross
General 4SatirosuSpear, whistle, class armor, quiver, medicine, stone
Semiboss 1CentaurSpear, whistle, class armor, quiver, medicine, stone
Semiboss 2Centaur knightSpear, whistle, class armor, quiver, medicine, stone
Boss 2Centaur KingUndeterminable
OctupusesGeneral 1Octopus tonFang, dagger, neck, cloak, shoulder tattoo, candy
General 2KoyabuFang, dagger, neck, cloak, shoulder tattoo, candy
General 3Cast eyeFang, dagger, neck, cloak, shoulder tattoo, candy
Semiboss 1Snow treeFang, dagger
Boss 1SaribiraeUndeterminable
SalamandersGeneral 1Torch ing LizardUndeterminable
General 2Fire DrakeBow, arrows, rods, helmet, crown, dragon products
Semiboss 1SalamanderBow, arrow, rod, crown, shoes, dragon products
Semiboss 2IfuryitoBow, arrow, rod, neck, cloak, dragon products
Boss 2SultanBow, arrow, rod, crown, shoes, dragon products
Grimm JokerGeneral 1Grimm JokerSpear, whip, armor, shield, ring
General 3Void rasterWhistle, rod, shield, cloak, ring
Semiboss 1Will-o'-the-wispBow, dagger, shield, waist, ring
Semiboss 2White ShadowOne handed sword, two-handed sword, armor, shield, Bangles
Boss 3Pale LightUnconfirmed
ApostlesSemiboss 1Acts 1mace, dragon products
BuffaloSemiboss 1Dark Buffalo 1Bullet, whip, helmet, ring, arm tattoo, brooch