Artwork made by QuizzicalKisses
Game and skill icons made by L&K Logic Korea
For further questions, post a comment and I will answer.
Guide based on Demon Sorceress.
The Demon SorceressIs an area of effect mage, unleashing extremely deadly but charge point thirsty darkness area spells on her foes. She can lay waste to hordes of monsters and buff herself with her own magic buffs. She gets health from charisma, alacrity from wisdom and power from knowledge and vice versa, making up for very strange and unique builds. Her activation skills empowers her other spells but also makes them consume more charge points.
Single Target Damage: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Area of Effect Damage: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Defense: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Utility: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Speciality: Damage
• Extremely high damage potential• Self buffs including haste
• Great versatility with strong transformation
• 5 stat points per level
• Gains knowledge, wisdom and charisma from power, alacrity and health
• Magic critical hits
• The god of raid damage
• Extremely high CP consumption (Extremely being an understatement)• One decent defensive skill
• Not a single skill that gains CP
• No utility
• Transforms to Maid when low on CP (This is a bigger problem at higher skill level)
• Gains knowledge, wisdom and charisma from power, alacrity and health
Requirements should be acquired regardless of buildBe in Demon Sorceress form when spending points
Stat Build
Knowledge | » 3 each level | ||
Health | » 2 each level | until » 1000 | then » Knowledge |
All skills are based of skill level 50Scaling is based of 10 skill levels
Diabolic Lady

Increases knowledge by 2 times the amount of CP consumed of the last spell used.
- Lasts 10 seconds.
- New spell casts replace the old ones.
- The spell with highest CP usage will always be applied.

While inside the field, your darkness damage dealt is increased by 40% for 5 seconds.

Number of hits increased by the number of knowledge you have. The maximum amount of times you can hit is 6.
6000 knowledge adds 1 hit.
12000 knowledge adds 2 hits.
20000 knowledge adds 3 hits.

Each time a demonic weapon spell is used, the damage of Troops of Blackfire is increased by 3% up to a maximum of 100%.
Obserial Chaser

When using a spell that consumes more than 25% of your maximum CP, you recover 5% of your total CP.

CP consumption will never exceed 25% of your maximum CP.
If you have a maximum of 1000 CP and Black Star of Calamity costs 374 CP, the CP used will always be 250.

Every time Black Smoke deals damage to an enemy you recover 5 CP.

The amounts of stigmas required to explode reduced from 3 to 2.
Laputurus Enchantress

Upon avoided attack, movement speed is increased by 50% for 10 seconds.

Now sends additional discs to enemies that have their movement impaired regardless of target.

If the targets hit suffers from a movement speed reduction debuff, the chance to pull in enemies is increased to 100%.

If the demon sorceress have less than 20% CP remaining, the magic critical chance is increased.
20% CP remaining equals 10% more magic critical chance.
10% CP remaining equals 15% more magic critical chance.
5% CP remaining equals 20% more magic critical chance.

Fire a chakram of darkness towards the target, dealing 53~55 darkness damage.
- Gains 21 CP.

Fire a bouncing chakram of darkness towards the target, dealing 69~71 darkness damage and bounces to nearby targets 10(+2) times.
- Bouncing radius: 200
- Maximum 12 bounces.
- Can only bounce once per target.
- Consumes 112 CP.
- Gains 43 CP.

Summon a demon soldier from the underworld to slash the target, dealing 79~82 darkness damage.
- Range: 400
- Consumes 129 CP.
- Gains 45 CP.

Summon a demon knight from the underworld to strike the target continously, dealing 122~125 darkness damage over 4(+1) attacks.
- Range: 400
- Significantly lowers your attack speed.
- Maximum 4 attacks.
- Minimum 1 attack.
- Consumes 207 CP.
- Gains 70 CP.

Summon 3 demon commanders to strike the target from all sides, dealing 142~148 darkness damage each.
- Range: 600(+50)
- Consumes 241 CP.
- Gains 80 CP.
- (Hits 9 times with armory activated [1+2 1+2 1+2]).

Summon 3 waves of black fire to strike targets in a cone, dealing 143~148 darkness damage to all targets.
- Radius: 350
- Range: 500
- Consumes 137 CP.
- Gains 40 CP.

Summon a smoke cloud at the target location, dealing 223~230 darkness damage to all targets within the cloud every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
- Radius: 200
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Range: 40
- Consumes 190 CP.
- Gains 30 CP.

Opens a gate to the underworld on the target location that spews out dark orbs on targets close to it, dealing 276~284 darkness damage to 10(+2) to each target within the radius.
- Radius: 200(+10)
- Range: 400
- Max 12 targets
- Consumes 265 CP.
- Gains 40 CP.

Summon a dark lightning storm at the target location, dealing 302~312 darkness damage over 3 attacks to all targets within the radius.
- Radius: 300(+20)
- Range: 450
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Consumes 320 CP.

Summon a dark star at the target location, after a slight delay it will explode 3 times in quick succession, dealing 345~356 darkness damage to all enemies within radius.
- 275(+15)
- Range: 450
- Consumes 374 CP.

Curse the target location with a field of dark energy, debuffing all targets within radius with -30%(-5%) darkness resistance for 5 seconds. The field lasts for 20(+1) seconds.
- Radius: 190(+8)
- Range: 400
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Max -50% darkness resistance
- Only one Spell Field: Plague can be active at a time.
- Consumes 174 CP.

Curse the target location with a field of dark energy, debuffing all targets within range with -50%(-5%) movement speed for 5 seconds. The field lasts for 20(+1) seconds.
- Radius: 190(+8)
- Range: 400
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Max -70% movement speed
- Only one Spell Field: Shackles can be active at a time.
- Consumes 174 CP.

Curse the target location with a field of dark energy, debuffing all targets within range to have 18%(+3%) increased chance to get magic critically hit. The field lasts for 20(+1) seconds.
- Radius: 190(+8)
- Range: 400
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Max 30% magic critical chance
- Only one Spell Field: Thornbush can be active at a time.
- Consumes 174 CP.

Summon a tornado at the target location, dealing 180~186 darkness damage and has a 35%(+5%) chance to pull all targets into the center of the tornado.
- Radius: 400(+30)
- Range: 400
- Max 50% pull chance.
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
- Consumes 230 CP.
- Gains 35 CP.

Send a disc of darkness in a straight line, dealing 212~219 darkness damage to all targets hit and decreases their attack speed by 17.5%(+2.5%) for 10 seconds.
- Width: 80(+1)
- Range: 600(+50)
- Consumes 285 CP.
- Gains 35 CP.

Activation skill, increase CP consumption by 50%(+8%) and increase magical damage dealt by 50%(+8%).
- Max 50% increased CP consumption (skill level 50).
- Max 50% increased magical damage dealt (skill level 50).

Activation skill, consume an additional 93(+20) CP to add a strike of 76 darkness damage to all Magical Forcefield spells.
- Max 350 additional CP consumption
- Only works on your forcefields.

Activation skill, consume an additional 140(+25) CP to add 2 additional strikes dealing 70%(+10%) damage of initial Demonic Weapon spells.
- Max 100% of initial magic spell
- Max 400 additional CP consumption
- Only works on your demonic weapon spells.

Activation skill, consume an additional 166(+25) CP to cause your Black spells to add a stigma mark to the targets they damage. Targets with 3 stigmas explode, dealing 45%(+7%) of damage recieved from those 3 attacks to all targets within radius.
- Stigma mark lasts for 30 seconds.
- Max 500 additonal CP consumption.
- Only works on your black spells.
- Can only be applied once per spell.

Activation skill, have a 20%(+3%) chance to become immune to all damage for 1 second upon getting hit.
- Max 40% chance (skill level 50+70).
- Consumes 81 CP.

Passively increase charisma by 135.
- As a Demon Sorceress this gives you 135 charisma.

Buff skill, add an additional strike of 104(+20) darkness damage to all magic damage spells for 360(+60) seconds.
- Twice as strong as a magicians Fiery Enchant.
- Doesn't work for physical skills.
- Depending on what skill is used with this buff, it can be completely insane or completely useless, sadly for Demon Sorceress it is pretty bad but a damage increase non-the-less.
- Consumes 105 CP.

Self buff skill, increase your movement speed by 95%(+15%) and attack speed by 35%(+5%) for 330(+60) seconds.
- This skill is applied to you instantly and cannot be applied to allied targets at all.
- Consumes 250 CP.

Self buff skill, increase your magic critical chance by 18%(+3%) for 330(+60) seconds.
- This skill is applied to you instantly and cannot be applied to allied targets at all.
- Consumes 250 CP.

Communicate with the underworld, recharging 60(+10) CP over 0.94(-0.06) seconds.
Skill Build
(Abuse of Dragon Heart 30 seconds from guild hall required)
(Awaken Demonic Commander: Halberd Strike when you have enough knowledge)

Main area of effect damage source.

Enchant allies or self with more darkness damage for magic attacks.

Main single target damage source.

More single target damage with Halberd.

Small debuff also needed for awakening.
(Awaken as a Diabolic Lady)

More CP usage plus more damage on Black Star.

More damage plus more CP usage.
Activation skill.
(Follow up with any of the skills you see fit for the occation)

Self haste buff skill.

Free charisma.
Passive skill.

Self magic crit buff skill.

Huge area radius pull skill with 5 sec cooldown.

Defensive side step skill.
Activation skill.
Treasure Sets
Level: 75Area: Ruined Sibine Fortress
Spawn: 50 minutes
Level: 125
Area: 'La' Dungeon in Rivermouth
Spawn: 60 minutes
Level: 220
Area: Eastern Trum Forest
Area: Northern Trum Forest
Spawn: 5 hours and 38 minutes
Level: 330
Area: Western Trum Forest
Spawn: 7 hours and 38 minutes
Level: 425
Area: Digged up Ossuary B6
Spawn: 9 hours and 38 minutes
Level: 535
Area: Spine Hall B2
Spawn: 10 hours and 38 minutes
Level: 580
Area: Unnamed Vestiges B2
Spawn: 11 hours and 45 minutes
Level: 650
Area: Molinar Tower 6F
Spawn: 12 hours and 50 minutes
Verdict of the Stars (Gambler weapon)
Shooting Star


Dark Lady

Iron Maiden

Contract of Andy

Leather Heel

Knight's Belt

Instant Aid


Status of Dame Katarina

King of Elemental

Breath of Goddess

Weaken Darkness
ReplyDeleteWeaken Darkness
Defense Capability
Defense Capability
what awakening should be picked?