Prinya: Nacriema Party Guide

Apr 18, 2015

Nacriema Party Guide

Level: 1-50
Location: Bee Farm (1 spawn 1 boss)
Entrance: Logging Village Brentil (72,7)

Black Elf
Level: 25-100
Location: Rest Place of Hunter (1 spawn 1 boss)
Entrance: Great Forest / Spiderweb of Fairies (198,115)

Level: 80-150
Location: Abandoned Mine B9 (12 spawns 1 boss)
Entrance: Erberk Mountains / Western Hanov Area (134,200)

Shadow of Darkness
Level: 140-200
Location 1: Abandoned Mine B10 (5 spawns 3 bosses)
Location 2: Parble Mine B1 (4 spawns 3 bosses)
Location 3: The Temple of Triton B3 (1 spawn 3 bosses)
Entrance: Erberk Mountains / Western Hanov Area (134,200)

Dark Fire
Level: 150-200
Location: Swamps of Narada Plains (2 spawns 1 bosses)

Level: 190-260
Location: The Cursed Tomb B1 (3 spawns 2 bosses)
Entrance: The Gardius Desert / Northern Linkhen (153,164)

Spirit Guarder
Level: 240-280
Location 1: Small Grave of Mercenaries B1 (4 spawns 3 bosses)
Location 2: Redeye do-or-die Corps B3 (2 spawns 3 bosses)
Location 3: The Temple of Triton (3 spawns 3 bosses)

Turtle Dragon
Cancer's Nest B4

Entrance: The Beach of the Peninsula
Level: 270-300

Knight of Death
Swep Tower 11F

Entrance: Hemcroth Plateau / Lake Arach Area
Level: 290-340

Crazy Commander
The Basement of Porin Watchtower

Entrance: North Porin Road / Neidak Plain Region (125,94)
Level: 335-390

Death Fiend
Digged up Ossuary B1

Entrance: Great Forest / The Road Across the Platen Boulevard
Level: 380-420

Dark Elf Officer
Kingdom of Dark Elf 1F

Entrance: Great Forest / Spiderweb of Faires
Level: 420-490

Nightmare Scorpion
Cave of Cursed Mizna B1

Entrance: The Fountain's Highland
Level: 490-535

Flame Goblin
The Barracks B1

Entrance: The Ruined Sibine Fortress
Level: 530-580

Unnamed Vestiges B2

Entrance: The Fountain's Highland > Cave of Cursed Mizna B2
Level: 540-580

The Motel 1F

Entrance: The Ruined Sibine Fortress
Level: 560-600

Rat King
Big Mouse Dungeon B4

Entrance: Worten Road / Near Kelch Bridge
Level: 590-650

Ogre General
Garkas Devil Army Base B1

Entrance: Narada Plains / Western Swamp
Level: 640-690

Elf Guardian
Forest of Time 1

Entrance: Farm Town Garimt > Mid Trum Forest > Forest of Time 3
Level: 640-690

Eagle Fighter
Forest of Time 3

Entrance: Farm Town Garimt > Mid Trum Forest > Forest of Time 3
Level: 690-750


  1. 735 - Eagle head
    800 - Centaur
    845 - Diamond golem

  2. i checked and diamond golems are 860
