Requires: minimum level 50 for the first one and 250 for the last one.
Takes around roughly 3 hours or so depending on how lucky you are with Alchemy 1.
Reward: 2-20% final magic damage.
( 2 × title level ) %
To get this past 10% you need to turn in a Red Stone to Heaven world and choose the King's Decree reward.
Start by speaking to:

(Alchemist Jin) 43,16
If you have a portal sphere, make sure you save here.
Alchemy 1
■ Magic City Smug ■ Laboratory of Wizard ► (Alchemist Jin) 43,16
■ High Brunenstig ► (Baricus) 47,57
$ Buy 250 candy or more.

Note: It is important that these are candy and not Childrens Candy SP.

■ Oat Dungeon B2 ► Kill Fu-fu ► Obtain Elements of Fire.

Note: It is important that it attacks you before you kill it.
Make sure you always lose 5 candy before you kill it.
■ Magic City Smug ■ Laboratory of Wizard ► (Alchemist Jin) 43,16
Turn in Elements of Fire.
■ Magic City Smug ■ Smug Wizard Guild ► (Hars) 43,56
$ Pay 50,000 gold.
■ The Underpass of Smug B3 ► Kill Redeye Bone Golem ► Obtain Remains from Bone golems.

Note: If you have a portal sphere, it is very important that you save here. Because you will most likely return here many times.
■ Magic City Smug ■ Laboratory of Wizard ► (Alchemist Jin) 43,16
Note: Alchemist Jin will look at the remains you plucked from the body in Underpass of Smug, if he deems it worth you will progress in the quest, if not, go back to Stage 2.
■ Cancers Windpipe B6 ► Attack Marrow ► Lose Elements of Fire.

Note: Only attack it, don't kill it in 1 hit or you won't get the update.
■ Magic City Smug ■ Laboratory of Wizard ► (Alchemist Jin) 43,16
■ Cancers Windpipe B6 ► Attack Marrow ► Lose Elements of Fire.

■ Magic City Smug ■ Laboratory of Wizard ► (Alchemist Jin) 43,16
Finished Alchemy leve 1!