Prinya: Guild Creation Quest

Guild Creation Quest

Guild Creation Quest 
For The Power Of One 

High Brunenstig 
Brune Association Guild 
Garphen (31,30)
*You need a party with 4 people.*

High Brunenstig 
Vespene (91,56) 

*Quest Added* 
*For The Power Of One - A Suspicious Activity*

Red Eye Laboratory B3 
Hit The Redeye Senator - (Uet Update) 
Kill Efreet - Get Efreet Heart 
*All party members has to be at Red Eye Laboratory B3 and be online.* 

High Brunenstig 
Vespene (91,56) 

Mine City Hanov 
Creul (36,102) 

*Quest Added* 
*For The Power Of One - Recovery*

Watchtower On The Embankment In Hanov 2F 
Kill Espend - Get Ispend Bow 

Watchtower In Southern Hanov 1F 
Kill Istool - Get Istool Bow 

Mine City Hanov 
Creul (36,102) 

Holy City Augusta 
Jarkid (89,80) 

*Quest Added* 
*For The Power Of One - Searching For A Priest*

Iron Road / Augusta Entrance Area 
Ichid Elain (314,46) - Get Cross Letter 

Holy City Augusta 
Jarkid (89,80) 

High Brunenstig 
Brune Association Guild 
Garphen (31,30) 

Port City Bridgehead 
Thief Guild Storage [B] 1F 
Kill Thief 

High Brunenstig 
Brune Association Guild 
Garphen (31,30) - Pay 1.000.000 Gold and chose your guild name, and who will be your vice masters.

*Quest Finished* 
*For The Power Of One - A Suspicious Activity*

*Quest Finished* 
*For The Power Of One - Recovery*

*Quest Finished* 
*For The Power Of One - Searching For A Priest*

*Quest Finished* 
*For The Power Of One*

~*~*~ Credits To red_butterfly_2 ~*~*~ 
AKA KuteMadKitty 
_Syn_ And Elodie