Hatching a Holy Creature

Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 1. Complete Red Stone
4.1.1. (The Red Stone Completed)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Carls 17.23
5990 Exp (With Premium)
4.1.2. (Find Out the Secret of the Red Stone)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Carls 17.23
The Ancient Waterway B2
Amorea 50.11
Fallen Tomb B2
Kill elder Vampire [Lvl 225] ? Get Elder Vampire’s Fang x20
The Ancient Waterway B2
Amorea 50.11 ? Lose Elder Vampire’s Fang x20
1197840 Exp (With Premium)
4.1.3. (Information Exchange)
The Ancient Waterway B2
Amorea 50.11
Salty Cave B8
Kill Violent Vampire ? Get Vampire’s Tooth x30
Baahel River/East Baahel River
Soo-Ah 212.246 ? Lose 200 gold
Get- River Water of Bachel
The Spine Beach
Kill Water Slime x5
Nearby the Nave Falls in Great Forest
Nave Falls Cave 411.51
Nearby the Nave Falls in Great Forest
Rose Bush 59.97
Log Cabin 64.95 ? Lose River Water of Bachel
Get White Box
The Ancient Waterway B2
Amorea 50.11 ? Lose Vampire’s Tooth
1796760 Exp (With Premium)
4.1.4. (To the Log Cabin)
The Ancient Waterway B2
Amorea 50.11
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Carls 17.23
399280 Exp (With Premium)
4.1.5. (See Chairman Einer Gaspel)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Carls 17.23
Salty Cave B8
Kill Vampire - Get Vampire’s Wing x30
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 ? Lose Vampire’s Wing x30
High Brunenstig 8.26
Basement of Brune Royal Palace Ruins
Touch the Bookcase 89.17
*You cannot approach the bookcase because of the Twins Scorpion’s spell*
Kill 1 Twins Scorpion [Lvl 235]
*The scorpion’s spell has been weakned*
Kill the other Twins Scorpion
*The Scorpion’s spell has been completely nullified. You must search through the bookcase first.*
Touch the Bookcase 89.17 ? Get Book of Oneiromancy
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 ? Lose Book of Oneiromancy
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfran 62.21
1597120 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 2. Discolored magic potion
4.2.1. (The Magic Solution Changes)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 62.21 ? Get Pumpkin Head’s Horn
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45
Abandoned Mine B4
Kill Marble Gargoyle ? Get Bunch of Marble Gargoyle’s Wings
The Beach of the Peninsula
Kill Big Shell ? Get Bunch of Big Shell’s Scales
Aurhoin Forest
Kill Crawler ? Get Lumps of Crawler’s Juice
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Lavia 65.23 ? Lose Half of the Items
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45 ? Lose the rest of the items
1796760 Exp (With Premium)
4.2.2. (Find out why the Magic Solution became Discolored)
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45
High Brunenstig
Distinguisher Ti 32.85 ? Get The Variety and History of Jewels
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 20.83
598920 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 3. Look for the Evidence
4.3.1. (Searching for the Clues)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 20.83
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Nothing will happen. If you touch it again, it will update the quest and you will also get a message saying:
*You need the Bone Chimera’s Horn to enter*
Forgotten Mine E
Kill Bone Chimera [Lvl 190] ? Get Bone Chimera’s Horn x10
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Gale 14.9
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Florence 63.77
1197840 Exp (With Premium)
4.3.2. (A New Clue Found)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Florence 63.77
High Brunenstig
Senator Brohm’s Office
Brohm 11.11
Title Godom Republic’s Honorable Sem Level 2
High Brunenstig 8.26
Secret Library of Brune Kingdom
Key Keeper ? Get Silver Library Key
Key Keeper ? Get Gold Library Key
Key Keeper ? Get Bronze Library Key
Bookcase 8.48 ? Lose Silver Library Key ? Get Truth Behind Red Stone
Bookcase 8.8 ? Lose Gold Library Key ? Get Role of the Red Stone
Bookcase 92.11 ? Lose Bronze Library Key ? Get The Day of Red Sky
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 15.23 ? Lose Items ? Get Camouflage Cover
1597120 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 4. Underground Movement
4.4.1. (Close Down Under World’s Scheme)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 15.23
Swamps of Narada Plains/Northern Swamp
Click the stairs at 489.326
*[COLOR=red]WARNING: Ok so heres the thing. This is an SD. You go in, you change your party to Secret Dungeon and you kill for an SD key. At the end of that map, theres the secret dungeon door (if you have high map maker you’ll see it). This is Castle Frozen SD, its not too hard, boss freezes alot but its fine. Now this is the bad part. When you talked to Wolfram, he gave you na item (x8) called Camouflage Cover. This is what helps you getting the key, and getting to the SD entrance without being seen. When you finish the SD this item disappears and in case of one or more members of your SD didn’t get their quest updated, it’s impossible to go inside unless:
1- The member who already finished the SD can’t go.
2- Atleast the leader (has to be on that part of main quest) needs to have a Camouflage Cover.
My advice is ? Make sure ALL MEMBERS IN PARTY CLICK THE ICYCLE ON THE RIGHT AFTER FINISHING THE SD. This is the only way to get the quest updated for ALL MEMBERS IN PT. If one of the members doesn’t click… Well you’re fked and you’ll have to wait for someone who has a Camouflage Cover to go in with you.
In case you’re a priest for example, or you cant kill the boss by yourself, and you have another character but it already did Castle Frozen SD, you will get kicked out everytime a monster sees that character. So do this:
1- Log off the character which already did Castle Frozen SD when hes still outside the key map.
2- Go inside the ‘Stairs’ (Only with characters who didn't do that SD.)
3- Get SD key
4- Go to SD entrance
5- Make sure no monsters are around (if they see the member that already completed SD you’re all kicked out)
6- Call the member that already finished (usually a tamer caus they kill fast.) He’s easilly pwned by meteor too. With Elem Guardian rocks.
7- Enter the SD before some monster sees you.*[/FONT]
6987400 Exp (With Premium)
4.4.2. (Things to do Next)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 15.23
Farm Town Lacalifusa
Sohora 110.113 ? Get Secret Safe Key
99820 Exp (With Premium)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Forgotten Waterway B4
Touch Bookcase 51.17
Hidden Room Behind the Bookcase
Chest 14.28
Kill the Monsters that will spawn to get na update
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 ? Lose Secret Safe Key
1297660 Exp (With Premium)
4.4.3. (The Meaning of the Chairman’s Dream)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Carls 17.23
69874 Exp (With Premium)
4.4.4. (Claw of Phoenix)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Carls 17.23
Forgotten Mine E
Kill Bone Chimera [Lvl 190] ? Get Bone Chimera’s Horn x10
The Ancient Waterway B2
Amorea 49.11 ? Lose Bone Chimera’s Horn x10
Molinar Tower 5F
Laitre 43.70
Western Platen Boulevard/Eastern Arian
Dracolich relics 10.19
Kill for every member to get a Key of Dracolich
Change your party to Secret Dungeon and get SD key.
This is a hard SD... The boss has every necro skill you can imagine .___. even maybe the ones you cant loooool
Forest of Bush
Leader Elious 26.29
1197840 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 5. The Insider
4.5.1. (Helena's Father)
Forest of Bush
Leader Elious 26.29
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 62.21
Logging Village Brentil
Motel Brentil 32.38
Goroshina 18.11
The Ancient Waterway B3
Kreteus 46.14
Arian The city Of Oasis
Tasso 24.27
Tagta Mountain path to the peak
Barshla 139.85
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 21.83
2994600 Exp (With Premium)
4.5.2. (Elder Medes' Request)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram 21.83
Fallen Tomb B2
Kill Elder Vampire x10
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Narada Plains/Northern Swamp
Click Wheat 123.196 - Get Haorira
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
2994600 Exp (With Premium)
4.5.3. (What Gale Knows)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Nothing will happen. If you touch it again, it will update the quest and you will also get a message saying:
*You need the Bone Chimera’s Horn to enter*
Forgotten Mine E
Kill Bone Chimera [Lvl 190] ? Get Bone Chimera’s Horn x10
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Gale 14.9 - Lose Bone Chimera's Horn x10
798560 Exp (With Premium)
4.5.4. (A New Friend, Andy)
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Gale 14.9
Great Mountain Hanu
Andy 102.75
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
998200 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 6. Revelation of the Mystery
4.6.1. (Revealed Secret)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Gardius Desert/Northern Great Forest
Tiamess Road 441.19
Kill a monster - Get Key of Tiamess
Change your party objective to Secret Dungeon and wait 10 minutes (or kill for it) to get SD Key.
This is a hard one.... and once again all members need to click the statue in the end or you'll have to go SD again...
Kill Tiamess, Click the statue - Get Sword of Light, Shield of light.
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45 - Lose Items
Get High Purity Gold
Gypsy Village Vissel
Uniel 61.63 - Lose High Purity Gold
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
4991000 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 7. How to return the magic potion to the original state
4.7.1. (Trading With Gale)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Nothing will happen. If you touch it again, it will update the quest and you will also get a message saying:
*You have clicked the gate to Gale. Nothing Happened*
Forgotten Mine E
Kill Bone Chimera [Lvl 190] ? Get Bone Chimera’s Horn x10
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Gale 14.9 - Lose Bone Chimera's Horn x10
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram - Get Magic Solution for Red Stone Assembly
1796760 Exp (With Premium)
4.7.2. (Ingredients for the Magic Solution)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Ruined City Damel
Old Pub
Touch the Cup Board - 14.8
Gale 14.9 - Lose Magic Solution for Red Stone Assembly
Get Yellow spider Web
The Ancient Waterway B3
Medes 49.45 - Lose Yellow Spider Web
Get Magic Solution for Red Stone Assembly
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Wolfram - Lose Magic Solution for Red Stone Assembly
1397480 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 8. Gale and the President's Meeting
4.8.1. (A Meeting between Gale and the Chairman)
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Hemcroth Plateau/Lake Arach Area
Abandoned Tower 77.18
998200 Exp With Premium
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 9. Unveil the Seal
4.9.1. (Searching for the part of a picture of the Red Stone)
Hemcroth Plateau/Lake Arach Area
Abandoned Tower 77.18
Gorima Swamp
Sunken Relics 164.180
Check all the portals, until you get teleported
Ancient Art Gallery
Gallery Director 15.79
You have to try all Treasure Exhibitor, until you get your quest updated.
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
1197840 Exp (With Premium)
4.9.2. (Unsealing the Document - Part One)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Logging Village Brentil
Nearby the Nave Falls in Great Forest
Nave Falls Cave
Kill Queen Bee Swarm - Get Luxurious Honey Pot
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 - Lose Luxurious Honey Pot
Spine Beach
Kill Ungeho - Get Claw of Ungeho
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 - Lose Claw of Ungeho
Get Fire Bag
Northern Trum Forest
Kill Fire Goblin (Around 110.78)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 - Lose Fire Bag
6987400 Exp (With Premium)
4.9.3. (Unsealing the Document - Part two)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Central Platen Boulevard/Entrance to the Great Forest Area
Kill Spiders (i killed spiders around 85.22... Forest Spider and Phase Spider and got the items from both.)
Get Spider Web Storage Box
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 - Lose Spider Web Storage Box
Swamps of Narada Plains/Northern Swamp
Kill Zombie - Get Zombie Fuild (Sap)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
The Oaker Delta
Kill Wolf - Get Wolf's Fang x5
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13 - Lose Wolf's Fang x5
6987400 Exp (With Premium)
Chapter 4 (Hatching a Holy Creature)
Part 10. A Fork Road
4.10.1. (Crossroad of Choices)
Swep Tower 20F
Einer Gaspel 41.13
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Gypsy Village Vissel
Uniel 61.63
Southern Porin Road/Strasserad Western Region
Log Cabin 361.119
Tagta Mountain
Mysterious Cabin 19.38
Einer Gaspel - Item Obtained : RED STONE
AKA KuteMadKitty
_Syn_ And Elodie
thnx you